I will be updating my Order of the Arrow Handbook Checklist. I recently acquired of one of my needs, the 2020 Printing which again does not indicate a copyright date and lists Zachary Schonfeld as the National Chief.
After 1989, there was no indication of the month or printing size. There was usually an indication of the year it was revised or printed. One of the easiest identifiers is the name/signature of the National Chief printed in the Handbook and most recently the Printing Year which is listed on the back cover.
The cover for this printing is the same as 2019, an old time statue of a Scout with arms folded.
and the back cover:
Looking to confirm if one more recent OA Handbook was actually issued for 2011 and 2016 and if so, I’m looking to purchase or trade for it.
“The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” —Thomas Jefferson (1816)