Late last year, members of Ktemaque and Nacha Nimat Lodges gathered at Camp Bullowa for the first official meeting of their new lodge.
The new name for the Greater Hudson Valley Council Order of the Arrow lodge will be “Mahicantuck Lodge #15, W.W.W.” and it’s totem will be that of the historic “Mastadon”, where remains have been found in the Hudson Valley area.
They have now issued 2 flaps.
The stats for this should be
15 Mahicantuck S2 GMY R M/C GRN GRN FDL, GRN WWW, 15 GMY Charter Member
Patchscan shows 1000 were made.
“Without Freedom of Thought there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as Public Liberty, without Freedom of Speech.” —Benjamin Franklin (1722)