Here is second of two Matinecock Chapter event patches from Buckskin Lodge #412’s Matinecock Chapter for the 2021 Klondike Derby sent by Brian Petrowski. This one was the Staff Patch,
While it does not indicate it, this is the 35th Anniversary of the long running event
The stats would be:
Matinecock eX2021-1 PUR R M/C PUR YEL FDL; DBL Shelter Rock District 2021, Staff; M/C Klondike Derby
This is a need of mine if anyone has one available.
I have a lot of other needs from this long running series too:
Matinecock eR1987 YEL R WHT RED – RED Klondike Shelter Rock District BLK WWW RED 1987
Matinecock eR1990 RED R LBL YEL YEL FDL; Klondike WWW BRN 1990
Matinecock eX1991 PUR P WHT TUR YEL FDL; TUR WWW, Shelter Rock District Klondike Derby – undated
Matinecock eX1992 RED R WHT YEL M/C FDL; YEL outlined BLK YEL Klondike Derby ’92
Matinecock eX1993 RED R WHT BLK YEL FDL; TUR Klondike Derby ’93
Matinecock eR1996 LBL R WHT RED M/C FDL Wht outlined TUR; TUR Klondike Derby RED WWW Tenth Anniversary BLK 1996
Matinecock eX1997 BLU R LBL YEL YEL FDL; RED Shelter Rock District YEL 1997
Matinecock eX1998 BLK R M/C BLK ORG FDL; BLK 12th Annual Klondike Derby, WWW, Shelter Rock
Matinecock eR2001 GRY R M/C BLK YEL FDL; BLK Shelter Rock Klondike Derby 2001
Matinecock eX2010 M/C C TAN BLK M/C FDK, BLK BSA 100 Anniversary YEL WWW, Gold, Klondike Derby 2010
Matinecock eX2015-1 DBL R WHT DBL YEL FDL; DBL Klondike Derby DBL 2015 Shelter Rock District RED WWW
Matinecock eX2015-1 DBL R BLK WHT WHT FDL; WHT outlined DBL Klondike Derby WHT 2015 Shelter Rock District, WWW RED Staff
Matinecock eR2016-1 DBL R LBL RED DBL FDL; YEL Klondike Derby WHT 2016 Shelter Rock District BLK WWWDL; LBL Klondike Staff DBL 2017, Shelter Rock District – TUR Theodore Roosevelt Council YEL WW
Matinecock eX2016-2 DBL R LBL RED YEL FDL; M/C Klondike DBL 2016, Shelter Rock District – TRC WHT outlined DBL WWW Yel Staff
Matinecock eR2017-1 YEL R WHT PUR WHT FDL; DBL Klondike Derby, 2017, Shelter Rock District – ORG WWW
Matinecock eX2017-2 DBL R LBL RED YEL FDL; LBL Klondike Staff DBL 2017, Shelter Rock District – TUR Theodore Roosevelt Council YEL WWW
Matinecock eX2018-1 DBL R M/C DBL YEL FDL; DBL Shelter Rock District, 2018, TRC YEL WWW M/C Klondike Derby
Matinecock eX2018-2 LBL R WHT DBL YEL FDL; DBL Shelter Rock District, 2018, Staff YEL WWW M/C Klondike Derby
Matinecock eX2019-1 LBL R WHT PUR YEL FDL; DBL Shelter Rock District, 2019, Staff YEL outlined Red WWW M/C Klondike Derby
Matinecock eX2021-1 DBL R M/C WHT M/C FDL; WHT Shelter Rock District, Klondike BLU Derby 2021
Anyone have any of these for trade or sale?
NOAC 2004 - Buckskin 412 - Mint - 2-pc Blue Border
$6.99 Buy It on eBay for only: $6.99 Buy It Now on eBay |
NOAC 2004 - Buckskin 412 - Mint - 2-pc Blue Border Diver
$5.79 Buy It on eBay for only: $5.79 Buy It Now on eBay |
Buckskin 412 Theodore Roosevelt NY The 40th Anniversary Patch GMY Bdr (7D907)
$3.95 Buy It on eBay for only: $3.95 Buy It Now on eBay |
Buckskin 412 Theodore Roosevelt NY The 40th Anniversary Patch SMY Bdr (7D906)
$3.95 Buy It on eBay for only: $3.95 Buy It Now on eBay |
Buckskin 412 Theodore Roosevelt NY The 40th Anniversary Patch BMY Bdr (7D905)
$3.95 Buy It on eBay for only: $3.95 Buy It Now on eBay |
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