Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Nah-Ne-Wa-Ye Chapter Hatband HAB1

It is not often that I can cross off a Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Chapter issue need from my list. I was fortunate to pick one up a few months ago. While it looks like a small sash, it was actually made as a hatband for an old style campaign hat.

Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Nah-Ne-Wa-Ye Chapter Hatband HAB1
Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Nah-Ne-Wa-Ye Chapter Hatband HAB1

My Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 chapter needs currently include:

# Issue Border R/C Back Name FDL Description
24 Achewen Schingue N2 RED YEL SSC; “1959” (officers?)`
24 Bischuwi R1 RED C WHT BLU twill; 104 RND; RED “WWW”; BLU bird; “CONVENTION 1952”; (NOAC52?)
24 Kotohke N2 RWB P WHT T-bird; (officers)
24 Ktchkinquehhellen eN1956-1 RED WHT BLK 56 CONV; “WWW”
24 Ktchkinquehhellen eN1956-2 RED WHT BLU SSC; “56 CONV”; no “WWW”
24 Nah Ne Wah Ye eL19xx WHT BLU lst Nah-Ne-Wah-Ye Chapter, O.A.-J.L.T.C
24 Nakowa X2 WHT C RED WHT Amer. Indian head; small 79 mm across
24 Nakowa eX1965 BRN WHT WHT Annual Dinner 50th Anniversary Feb. 28, 1965
24 Oseetah N1 RED P YEL SSC;  GRY rock; “1950”
24 Oseetah N3 WHT RED SSC;  25th “Silver” ANN 1927-1952
24 Oseetah R1 GRN RED SSC; leatherette
24 Petapan F1 BLK C WHT RED TL; 122×55 mm; RED arrow; BLK heron; button hole in bird
24 Sacut X1 YEL YEL BLK Felt wildcat on yellow felt
24 Sakanenk A1 ??? ??? ??? squatting American Indian
24 Sakanenk eL1957 WHT BLU WHT “1957” w/pocket tab
24 Sakanenk eL1959 Arrowhead shaped; SSC; conclave
24 Sakanenk eL1960 Round shaped; SSC; May
24 Sakanenk X3.5 RED C BLK WHT design of X3 but clenched fist w/spear (no fletchings on arrow); fingers on hand not outlined
24 Showandassee eX1957 RED MAR RED ORD HONOR w/tab DIA
24 Showandassee eX1977-2a RED R YEL GRY YEL ORD; “ALPINE SCOUT CAMP”; OCT TR
24 Showandassee J1 WHT WHT emb; FELT; heron shape
24 Wambuli J1 WHT WHT; BLU heron; sateen; EMB (1956); Lg Heron shape
24 Wambuli J2 WHT WHT; BLU heron; composition; Lg Heron shape (May be listed as 24 J1)


End Date: Sunday Mar-02-2025 20:07:01 EST
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Lodge 24 Shu-Shu-Gah OA flap (NE)


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Lodge 24 Shu-Shu-Gah OA flap (NC C)


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Lodge 24 Shu-Shu-Gah OA flap (NC B)


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Lodge 24 Shu-Shu-Gah OA flap (NC A)


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“With those who wish to think amiss of me, I have learned to be perfectly indifferent; but where I know a mind to be ingenuous, and to need only truth to set it to rights, I cannot be passive.” –Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Abigail Adams, 1804

Author: Bill

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