In addition to three 2-piece black bordered sets, Kittan Lodge #364 issued three Gold Mylar Bordered 2-piece sets for the 2018 NOAC. They all share a Viking theme, with the Lodge totem wearing a Viking helmet, If my Norse mythology is correct, the third set features Valhalla. There were reportedly 100 of these GMY Bordered sets issued
The third gold Mylar bordered version is shown below:
The stats for this one should be:
S51 GMY R M/C WHT BRN FDL; Valhalla theme 2018 NOAC w/X33
X33 GMY R M/C – TAN FDL; Viking Porcupine/Midgard theme TAN NOAC 2018 w/S51
“[T]he great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachment of the others.” –James Madison, Federalist No. 51, 1788