Each NOAC going back a couple of decades, Section NE-3A and its predecessors have issued a set of flaps including one for each member lodge. Currently members of each lodge can order individual flaps from their home lodge and sets of the 5 lodges which make up the section. So their are different numbers made of each flap. For NOAC 2018, each flap shares a common design with the individual lodge name and a different border color for each flap.
Lowanne Nimat Lodge # 219 has a white border.
The stats for this one are:
S42 WHT R BLK RED WHT FDL; RED NE-3A, NOAC 2018, Weld Tightly Every Link, BLK WWW – Section NE-3A Set
According to the OA Section List, Section NE-3A contains:
- TKäen DoD Lodge #30
- Tschipey Achtu Lodge #95/397
- Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee Lodge #159
- Lowanne Nimat Lodge #219
- Ashokwahta Lodge #3390
“There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily.” —George Washington (1795)