Nacha Nimat Lodge #86 had originally been planning to issue two 2-piece sets for the 2018 NOAC a trader set and a contingent set. They were not happy with the original execution and reordered them with some changes. The versions have gotten mixed up while in the wild, but this is how they were issued.
Up first is the original trader set with a Green Mylar Border.

The stats for this set are:
S58a GRM R DBL – BLK FDL; M/C WWW DBL NOAC 2018 Sky, w/X38a – Trader
X38a GRM R M/C TAN WHT FDL; TAN NOAC 2018 Tan Flames w/S58a – Trader
There was no PatchScan sticker on any of these I have seen.
“No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain these blessings than United America. Wondrously strange, then, and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed us to so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass.” —George Washington (1788)