I had previously posted about the NE-4A 2009 Section Conclave which was held at Custaloga Town Scout Reservation and hosted by Langundowi Lodge #46.
In addition to what I had previously posted, there was also a participation award, an embroidered clown sticker which could be added to the pocket patch.
The participation patch is shown on the left. I’ll update the original post with the image.
This was one of my acquisitions from the WNYTA 36th Scout Memorabilia Trade O Ree earlier this month.
According to the OA Section List, the lodges which make up Section NE-4A Include
- Langundowi Lodge #46
- Ah’Tic Lodge Lodge#139
- Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge #165
- Kuskitannee Lodge #168
- Gyantwachia Lodge #255
I’m still looking for the following patch from the weekend.
“When Men are employ’d they are best contented.” —Benjamin Franklin (1771)