As the result of the previously reported merger of Onteroraus Lodge #402 and Ga Hon Ga Lodge #34 to form Ohkwaliha·Ká Lodge #34; Onteroraus Lodge issued several death issues. There was a single flap which harkened back to their first flap design.

There was also a single flap with three different chevrons, one for each county of the old council which I’ll report separately.
The stats for the ‘Goodbye’ flap are:
S61 GLD R TUR RED – RED 1948, 402, 2016 WHT Goodbye – Death Flap
“All men having power ought to be distrusted…” –James Madison (1787)
What do the words mean?
I was told the words are Goodbye in each language of the six nations.
As designer of the Onteroraus Lodge 402 Death Flap S-61, I can attest that the words are Goodbye in each language of the six Iroquois nations plus GOODBYE in English, of course. The flap was issued in an edition of 200 and available only to lodge members.