Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee Lodge #159 issued two different three piece sets for the 2015 NOAC. A trader and a contingent set, with the difference being the border color.
The trader set with a black border is shown below.
The stats are:
S59 BLK R M/C YEL GRN FDL; GRN 2015, w/X24 X25 – NOAC 2015 Trader Set
X24 BLK R M/C BLK GRN FDL; BLK NOAC 2015, WHT Centuries Of Service OA100 logo w/S59 X25 – NOAC 2015 Trader Set
X25 BLK R M/C BLK BLK FDL; BLK NOAC 2015, WHT Greater Niagara Frontier OA100 logo w/S59 X24 – CSP – NOAC 2015 Trader Set
“The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.” –Thomas Paine