Kittan Lodge #364 10th Anniversary, Next, Prism Set S38 X20

Kittan Lodge #364 has issued a new multipurpose flap set to celebrate its 10th Anniversary and the two National OA events Prism and Next. The chevron contains the names of the predecessor lodges to Kittan Lodge in the hanging feathers. Prism and NEXT are ghosted in dark green above the Ordeal and Vigil sashes.

Kittan Lodge #364 10th Anniversary, Next, Prism Set S38 X20
Kittan Lodge #364 10th Anniversary, Next, Prism Set S38 X20

The Blue Book style stats are:
S38 BLU R M/C RED RED FDL; RED 2006 2016 WWW; WHT CTR GRY A Decade ofBrotherhood w/X20
X20 BLU R M/C – RED RED Wimachtendienk Predecessor Lodge Names DGR ghosted PRISM NEXT w/S38

You can currently order them direct from the lodge Kittan-Lodge-Specialty-Flap-Form-2016.

I also have a couple of sets available to trade now for new issues from New York State OA Lodges or any of my needs.

“The mobs of the great cities add just so much to the support of pure government as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people, which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.” —Thomas Jefferson (1787)

Author: Bill

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