Section NE-2C 2008 Conclave Update

I had originally written about the Section NE-2C 2008 Conclave shortly after the event was held back in August 2008. At the time I was not aware of a third version of the pocket patch and while I had subsequently added it to my collection I had not updated that post.

As was the habit of the Section, a Very Important Arrowman version with a yellow border was produced for the event.

Section NE-2C 2008 Conclave VIA Pocket Patch
Section NE-2C 2008 Conclave VIA Pocket Patch

I’ll update the original post with this information.

The Lodges in Section NE-2C which were at the Conclave were:
Lodge #4 Ranachqua
Lodge #15 Ktemaque
Lodge #24 Shu-Shu-Gah
Lodge #49 Suanhacky
Lodge #82 Man-a-hattin
Lodge #86 Nacha Nimat
Lodge #112 Aquehongian
Lodge #313 Owaneco
Lodge #427 Achewon Netopalis
Lodge #553 Paugassett


“To judge from the history of mankind, we shall be compelled to conclude that the fiery and destructive passions of war reign in the human breast with much more powerful sway than the mild and beneficent sentiments of peace; and that to model our political systems upon speculations of lasting tranquillity would be to calculate on the weaker springs of human character.” —Alexander Hamilton (1788)

Author: Bill

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