For the 2015 NOAC, Tschipey Achtu Lodge #95 issued 3 2-piece trader sets and a limited 2-piece contingent set. The second trader set is shown below. This set shows a brown colored scout with a wand in his hand and a albino deer shaped Patronus confronting a Dementors. The two tents have the totems of the predecessor lodges Ty-Ohni and Ganeodiyo. The Patch Scan stats show 300 sets were made.
The stats for this set should be:
S20 RED R LBL RED WHT FDL; RED NOAC 2015 w/X12 – Trader
X12 RED R M/C – DGR OA100 Logo Campsite Scene with totems on tents, BRN Scout w/S20
“He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing.” –Benjamin Franklin