Here is the second of two event patches from Buckskin Lodge #412’s Matinecock Chapter for the 2015 Klondike Derby. This one was issued for the staff.
The stats would be:
Matinecock eX2015-1 DBL R BLK WHT WHT FDL; WHT outlined DBL Klondike Derby WHT 2015 Shelter Rock District, WWW RED Staff
Thanks to Brian Petrowski for the scan
This is a need of mine if anyone has one available and I have a lot of other needs from this long running series too:
Matinecock eR1987 YEL R WHT RED – RED Klondike Shelter Rock District BLK WWW RED 1987
Matinecock eR1990 RED R LBL YEL YEL FDL; Klondike WWW BRN 1990
Matinecock eX1991 PUR P WHT TUR YEL FDL; TUR WWW, Shelter Rock District Klondike Derby – undated
Matinecock eX1992 RED R WHT YEL M/C FDL; YEL outlined BLK YEL Klondike Derby ’92
Matinecock eX1993 RED R WHT BLK YEL FDL; TUR Klondike Derby ’93
Matinecock eR1996 LBL R WHT RED M/C FDL Wht outlined TUR; TUR Klondike Derby RED WWW Tenth Anniversary BLK 1996
Matinecock eX1997 BLU R LBL YEL YEL FDL; RED Shelter Rock District YEL 1997
Matinecock eX1998 BLK R M/C BLK ORG FDL; BLK 12th Annual Klondike Derby, WWW, Shelter Rock
Matinecock eR2001 GRY R M/C BLK YEL FDL; BLK Shelter Rock Klondike Derby 2001
Matinecock eX2010 M/C C TAN BLK M/C FDK, BLK BSA 100 Anniversary YEL WWW, Gold, Klondike Derby 2010
Anyone have any of these for trade or sale?
“Collectivism doesn’t work because it’s based on a faulty economic premise. There is no such thing as a person’s “fair share†of wealth. The gross national product is not a pizza that must be carefully divided because if I get too many slices, you have to eat the box. The economy is expandable and, in any practical sense, limitless.†– P.J. O’Rourke