For the past several NOAC’s, Ktemaque Lodge #15 has issued a numbered set of patch sets in addition to the un-numbered versions. There were 25 numbered sets issued.
The 2-piece set shown below, is the numbered version of their fundraiser set.
The stats for this set are:
S 62 – GLD R TUR WHT TUR FDL; WHT NOAC 2015, Number embroidered into Patch 1-25/25 w/X33 – Fundraiser
X 33 – GLD R TUR WHT TUR FDL; OA Centennial Logo WHT Castoroides Nebrascencis, WHT Number embroidered into Patch 1-25/25 w/S62 – Fundraiser
“Happy will it be for ourselves, and most honorable for human nature, if we have wisdom and virtue enough to set so glorious an example to mankind!” Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 36, 1788