The third and final of three fundraiser sets issued by Buckskin Lodge for the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference. Got all these back at the Kintecoying TOR in November, but had not posted them at the time.
The sets continue the zombie wolf theme as their primary feature. Patchscan shows 1000 sets issued.
The stats are:
S77 BLU R BLK RD WHT FDL; Name RED outlined WHT w/X27 NOAC 2015 Fundraiser
X27 BLU R BLK – BLK FDL; RED Outlined wHT 2015 MSU, 100th Anniversary National Order of the Arrow Conference w/S77 OA 100 Logo
Anything else new from NY OA Lodges for the 2015 NOAC or OA Centennial?
“Lies are like children: they’re hard work, but it’s worth it because the future depends on them.” Pam Davis