A First Flap from Horicon Lodge #246 sold on eBay a couple of month back which would be of interest to both New York OA and First Flap Collectors.
Clicking on the image will bring you to the auction results for the next few months.
There were two bidders which were interested in this flap, the final value was over $ 200.00
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“Who begins too much accomplishes little.” German Proverb
How rare is the Ganienkeh 181 flap? I was given one in 1990 (I think),was told that it would be an interim item because of a change in a Lodge merger. Thanks!
Dave Rohlfing
Associate Lodge Adviser,Tschitani
Assuming it is the un-numbered flap (and the only issue from Ganienkeh 181) it is collected by both First Flap collectors as well as many NY OA collectors.
Typically they sell on eBay in the $75-125 range, so you have a good one.