The 2014 Section NE-3A Conclave was held at Camp Scouthaven and hosted by Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee Lodge #159 The theme for the 2014 weekend was A Storm is Brewing.
Thanks to Chris Carslon and Bill Boyle for the images.
There were at least 4 patches and a neckerchief issued for the event. From what I have been told, there were 3 pocket patches:
First is the Participant Patch with a pocket loop.

The trading post version had no loop.
I’m told the Orange Border was for Participants who completed specific events/classes at the Conclave.
And a jacket patch of the same design.

and a neckerchief
The Orange Border and Black Bordered Pocket Patch with Loop are currently needs for me if anyone has one for trade or sale.
Update January 2016:
there was also a host Lodge issue with a Red Border. Thanks to Josh m. for the image and trade.

Update June 2016:
Chris Carlson sends along an image from another pocket patch issued for the event which he picked up at the Section Patch Auction at this years conclave.
As they have done in previous years, a patch was issued for Ceremonial Growth and Development.

According to the OA Section List, Section NE-3A contains:
- TKäen DoD Lodge #30
- Tschipey Achtu Lodge #95/397
- Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee Lodge #159
- Lowanne Nimat Lodge #219
- Ashokwahta Lodge #3390
“Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them if we basely entail hereditary bondage on them.” –Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms, 1775