The books are closed on the 18th Annual Kintecoying TOR is done. The benches and tables have been stacked and Dining Hall swept.
Thanks to the table holders, all who helped set up, break down, attended, donated to the acution, bid in the auction or helped out in any capacity. Too many to thank individually.
And yes I was too busy to take any new photos (again). If you took some at the TOR, please send them along.
Hope you found that special need (or want). I was able to score one of my two remaining Shu Shu Gah event issues the eL1952. Will be posting it here soon along with the event issues from the Indian Seminar. Also picked up a couple of my TMR needs which will likley be shared on my Ten Mile River Trader Site.
The auction had over 60 Lots including 7 Staff neckerchiefs from Camp Kotohke from 1949-1956. Unfortunately, my need the 1951 Staff neckerchief was not in the group. There was also one of the Kintecoying Lodge #4 Transition Team Flaps, the S2.
The Lodge advisor confirmed that only 50 of these flaps were made and there was some spritied bidding before the hammer rang down at $ 115.00. This was the highest priced item in the auction
The date for the 19th Annual Kintecoying Trade-O-Ree will be November 22, 2014. Watch this blog for more details.
“We have staked the whole future of America’s civilization, not upon the power of the government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions…..upon the capacity of each and all of to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.” – James Madison