Kon Wapos Lodge First Flap Design

Kon Wapos Lodge is the new lodge from the merger of Awase Lodge #61 and Ag-Im Lodge #156. The lodge services the Bay Lakes Council in Wisconsin.

From the council web site:

Kon Wapos Lodge (pronounced kahn wah-pose)

Our new totem is the snowshoe hare. More information will be coming about accepting designs for the new lodge flap and the voting process. The new lodge flap will be unveiled on our official merger date of August 17, 2013. This will coincide with the joint Fall Conference at Camp Hiawatha from August 16-18th. Elections for the new lodge will also be held this weekend.

Kon Wapos Lodge First Flap Design
Kon Wapos Lodge First Flap Design

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“If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy.” –Thomas Jefferson

Author: nyoatrader
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