I previously posted a sample of the artwork for the 2013 Jamboree set from Kittan Lodge #364. The flap contains the totems of the predecessor lodge, while the chevron contains a zip-line through the Summit site and the current lodge totem taking advantage of the high adventure opportunities. There are two sets with different border colors available.
The delegate set has a green border. The porcupine-shaped dangle is the same in both sets.
The stats for this set are:
S26 DGR R LBL BLK LBL FDL; RED WWW, BLK Outlined WHT 2013 National Jamboree w/X14,X16
X15 DGR R LBL YEL YEL FDL; BLK 2013 National Jamboree w/S26, X14
X14 M/C C BRN – – Porcupine-shaped Dangle w/S25 & X13 Trader & Delegate S26 & 15
“If the federal government should … make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people … must appeal to the standard they have formed, and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify.” –Alexander Hamilton