Todd Rogers sends along word of two new 40th Anniversary flaps from Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge #165.
The lodge has put out two 40th anniversary issues. I’ve attached scans. The SMY border, semi-ghost, is a trader issue. They had them readily available at the TOR and if you made a $100 FOS donation you got one in a set which included 5 CSPs and the Flap, however you could get these without the donation. The GMY border one came only as part of a $1,000 FOS donation set.
Not sure if or when they may be available outside if the FOS Donation set.
The GMY Bordered version is pictured below:
The stats for this one are:
S36 GMY R WHT PYL PYL BSA; PYL 40, WWW Photochrome GMY Sun, Water
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“No morn ever dawned more favorable than ours did; and no day was every more clouded than the present! Wisdom, and good examples are necessary at this time to rescue the political machine from the impending storm.” –George Washington (1786)
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