I’d previously written about a 2-piece set issued for the 2010 National Jamboree by Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge #165. The design is their Heron Man with tattoos of the totems of the 3 predecessor lodges on its arm. I was aware that there was also a delegate issue and ‘saved’ a number for it, but only recently was able to get a scan.
The stats for this one should be:
S32 – SMY R M/C M/C LBL FDL; Name Grey outlined BLK, BLK WWW, WHT 165 w/X12 – Delegate
X12 – SMY R M/C – ORG FDL; M/C 165 BLK 1910 2010 M/C National Scout Jamboree w/S32 Delegate
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“Gold is for the mistress, silver for the maid, Copper for the craftsman, cunning in his trade. ‘Good!’ said the Baron, sitting in his hall. But steel – cold steel is master of them all.” – Rudyard Kipling