Nine Years ago today on January 26, 2004 the NY OA Trader Blog was born on Blogger with the following Mission Statement.
The purpose of this blog is to publish information about new Lodge and Chapter issues from New York State OA Lodges, the discovery of older uncatalogued issues, warnings about fakes, spoof, and reproductions and other information/musings that may be of interest to other NY OA Collectors (or at least amusing to me).
Nearly 3600 posts later the blog continues to provide information about new and older issues from your lodges through scans, trades, comments and encouragement from my readers. Several Thousand issues have been showcased on this site and its archives are a treasure trove of information on New York Sate OA issues.
While life sometimes gets in the way, and posting may be sparse at times, I hope to continue this blog for years to come.
Without my readers, commenters and contributors, I would not have been able to share a fraction of the information available on the site. thanks to you all.
So what is new from your lodge and do you have one to trade?
“With few exceptions, entrepreneurs who start successful businesses don’t do so to maximize profits. Of course they want to make money, but that is not what drives most of them. They are inspired to do something that they believe needs doing. The heroic story of free-enterprise capitalism is one of entrepreneurs using their dreams and passion as fuel to create extraordinary value for customers, team members, suppliers, society, and investors.†John Mackey and Raj Sisodia, Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business