Northeast Region Order of the Arrow Hurricane Sandy Black Border

I had previously posted about a pair of patches available by making donations to the Northeast Region Order of the Arrow Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund Program.

Hurricane Sandy caused lots of damage all across the Northeast Region, and we, as Arrowmen, feel that we need to help. In addition to homes being affected, Scout camps across the region have also suffered severe damage. Many camps are closed until further notice as it is too soon for the extent of the damage and destruction to even be assessed.
Your Regional Key 3 is calling upon individual Arrowmen, Lodges, and Sections to join us in our aggressive campaign to raise money that will be awarded to lodges to help their councils complete projects at their camps. We believe that the powerful combination of money and manpower from members of the Order of the Arrow can overcome any devastation that Sandy left behind. This money will be awarded in a process similar to the National OA Sservice Grants.

The goal has been raided to $25,000

Here is an image of the patch which can be earned by OA Sections, Lodges & Members by purchaseing the specially designed patch for $10 each.

Northeast Region Order of the Arrow Hurricane Sandy Black Border
Northeast Region Order of the Arrow Hurricane Sandy Black Border

Ordering details can be found in the flyer with more information here.

“Christmas is a state of mind. It is found throughout the year whenever faith overcomes doubt, hope conquers despair, and love triumphs over hate. It is present when men of any creed bring love and understanding to the hearts of their fellow man. … Let us resolve to honor this spirit of Christmas and strive to keep it throughout the year.” –Ronald Reagan

Author: nyoatrader
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