Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Totem Slide

There has been some discussion in the Scout Patch Collectors Facebook Group on Totem Slides. These arrowhead-shaped slides are likely from the 1960’s or 70’s are cast metal 55 mm tall and 40 mm wide. They typically have WWW and an Arrow as part of the design and many have a Lodge totem in the upper right.

Roy Wetherbee has identified Three slide types have been identified based on the ring type on the back of the neckerchief slide.
Type 1 has a round steel ring
Type 2 has a rectangular steel ring
Type 3 appears to be cast with the slide as one piece.

I had previously speculated that these slides were sold by Grey Owl.

Pictured below is a Type 2 Totem slide used by Shu Shu Gah Lodge Members.

Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Totem Slide

[phpbay]Shu Shu Gah Lodge, 5[/phpbay]


“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” – Thomas Sowell

Author: nyoatrader
To share information about new or newly discovered Order of the Arrows patches, flaps, odd-shapes, neckerchiefs, event and chapter issues from New York State Order of the Arrow Lodges, warnings about fakes, spoof, and reproductions and any other information that may be of interest to New York State OA Collectors.

2 thoughts on “Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Totem Slide

  1. Here’s some more recent info regarding these slides. While I’ve confirmed they were made in NYC, I have not confirmed if they were ever sold by Grey Owl. I have a photo album for these slides started here on my facebook page:

    I collect OA from Region 1 and took an interest in these when they began to surface in a number of old collections (including several from within my own lodge 525). I’m sure that the generic ones were used all across the country, and some lodges probably ordered them for their lodge trading post (giving rise the the belief by some that they constitute “lodge issues”), but I also have a few that were clearly custom made for specific lodges and probably should be considered lodge issues.

    Until Tracy Mesler (Texas) sent me images of his slide collection, I had NEVER seen the slides in their original packaging. However, the “NYC” and “10012” gave me just enough info to track down an old Trademark Registration (filed 1965, registered 1966, expired 1989) which revealed the trademark owner as:

    (d.b.a. “TOTEM SLIDES”)
    132 SPRING ST.
    NYC, NY 10012

    They’re obviously no longer around and their trademark expired in 1989, so it’s logical to assume they went out of business sometime between 1966 and 1989. These were popular in the 1960s, but it’s unclear to me how long they were around beyond that. I’ve dug up several within my own lodge (525) but always from members who were active in the 1960s.

    Armed with this info, I found and purchased a 1954 Eastern Handicraft catalog. Unfortunately there was no mention of these at all, so 1954 was obviously a bit too early.

    Although their trademark application was not filed until 1965, I believe (based on the age of some of the collections in which these have been found) that the earliest may date to the 1950’s.

    According to Google Books, the company was mentioned in a number of publications:

    Boy’s Life — 7/61, 11/63, 6/65, 12/65, 12/66 (and probably others)

    1962 National Camp Directors Guide (also contains ads for Grey Owl and Neal Slides)

    Their display ad from the June 1965 issue of Boy’s Life mentions a “free full color photo and price list” which, if we could track down, would be enlightening. I remember seeing these in some catalog as a youth (70s-era), so will continue to search for a Grey Owl catalog that may contain these – possible as both companies were in the NYC area. OTOH, they were also competitors as well.

  2. Roy
    Thanks. For the lengthy comment. I’ve. been able to check Grey. Owl catalogs from 1976 & 1978 and they did not have these slides.

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