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This is the first year of the new Northeast Region OA section alignments.
The first conclave was hosted by Owaneco Lodge #313 Paugassett 553 and the theme was “World Wide Weekend”. It was held at Edmund D. Strang Scout Reservation (Thanks to Rob Higgens for the correction).
There were two three issues that I am aware of.
A pocket patch for all participants and via the trading post.

There was also a limited patch for the Staff and Very Important Arrowman functions.

The staff patch is currently a need of mine.
Update September 2012 there was also a jacket patch available via preorder but did not arrive in time for the event.

Section NE-2A contains:
- Tschitani #10 CT
- Half Moon #28 NY
- Pocumtuc #(83) MA
- Nacha Nimat #86 NY
- Owaneco #313 CT
- Paugassett #553 CT
Thanks to Nick Wolf for the images.
One should as a rule respect public opinion in so far as is necessary to avoid starvation and to keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny, and is likely to interfere with happiness in all kinds of ways. …Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970),
NE-2A’s website http://www.ne-2a.org/about-ne2a/past-section-conclaves/
states that this year’s conclave was held Jun 8-10 at Edmund D. Strang SR, and hosted by Paugassett 553.
Now, that doesn’t mean that things didn’t change at the last minute and they simply did not update their site.
Anyone reading this who can confirm this, please do feel free to email me at: webmaster@nulloasections.com