Aquehongian Lodge #112 recently issued 3 two piece sets for the 2012 NOAC as reported by Frank Mullane. They are the first GNYC Lodge not to use a subway car in their design (since Staten Island has none); but they did picture the Staten Island Ferry in their design to keep the mass transit theme going.
The stats for this set should be:
S38 TUR R LBL – LBL FDL; ORG Aquehonga “Sandy Beach” BRN Lodge 112 w/X11 – Fundraiser
X11 TUR R M/C – ORG FDL: TUR NOAC 2012 Michigan BLK WWW w/S38 – Fundraiser
Boy Scout OA 112 Aquehongian Lodge Flap
$8.00 Buy It on eBay for only: $8.00 Buy It Now on eBay |
Aquehongian Lodge 112 black border Older OA Flap m
$4.95 Buy It on eBay for only: $4.95 Buy It Now on eBay |
Kintecoying Lodge 4 Aquehongian Lodge Legacy Patch 2 piece set New York City
$14.99 Buy It on eBay for only: $14.99 Buy It Now on eBay |
Aquehongian Lodge 112 Greater New York, Staten Island NY Flap BLK Bdr (7D461)
$8.95 Buy It on eBay for only: $8.95 Buy It Now on eBay |
Vintage BSA Aquehongian Lodge 112 Patch
$5.99 Buy It on eBay for only: $5.99 Buy It Now on eBay |
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