Two years ago today, I was posting about the toughest items to collect from Amo’Chk Lodge #339.
Its been a while since I wrote one of these posts, but two recent auctions on eBay reminded me of the topic. The Lodge for this post would be Amo’Chk Lodge #339.
In my opinion, the three toughest issues from the lodge would be 2 flaps and a neckerchief.
The first flap, but not the First Flap would be the the Silver Bordered S2
issued for the 25th Anniversary.
Clicking on the image will bring you to the auction for the next couple of months.
The bidding on this one started at $ 9.95 and there were three bidders in it at $ 150.00 until the hammer rang down at over $ 185.00.
Click on the link to read the full post.
I still need the S3 and N5 myself.
[phpbay]Amo Chk Lodge, 10[/phpbay]
“To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt….I am for a government rigorously frugal and simple.” – Thomas Jefferson