From the depths of my In Box, a new joint issue from Buckskin Lodge’s Amangi Wulit and Wulihan chapters sent by Brian Petrowski. The pocket patch was originally issued at a joint event from both chapters.
This patch will have 2 Blue Book listings, one under each chapter:
Amangi Wulit X4 M/C C M/C WHT RED FDL; WHT WWW, 412, Nimat, Wulihan Joint Issue.
Wulihan X4 M/C C M/C WHT RED FDL; WHT WWW, 412, Nimat, Amangi Wulit Joint Issue.
[phpbay]Buckskin Lodge #412, 10[/phpbay]
“If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy.” –Thomas Jefferson