George Jennings sends along word of several event flaps issued for the Nacha Nimat Lodge #86 2009 Banquet.
Lodge 86 Nacha Nimat has finally had their winter banquet. (It had been snowed out).4 different solid flaps were issued –all writing on each patch in the color of the border of that patch.  Same basic design. .Yellow border (eS2009-1) Yellow FDL basic theme – one to each attendee – fee in the price of the banquet
- Nacha Nimat 2009 Winter Banquet eS2009-1
Blue Book style stats:
eS2009-1 YEL R M/C YEL YEL 2009 FDL; YEL 86, 2009 Banquet
[phpbay][phpbay]Nacha Nimat Lodge, 5[/phpbay]
“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there’d be a shortage of sand.” –Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman (1912-2006)