Once agaon John Pannell has managed to scoop me on a new national policy which will likely effect our shared hobby.
At a recent meeting at the National Headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America, it was announced that a new policy will be put in place by both the Boy Scouts of America and the National Order of the Arrow Committee regarding lodge patch issues.  Further announcements and clarifications will be made at this Summer’s National Order of the Arrow Conference and at section conclaves throughout the year.  This policy will be effective September 1, 2009.
As John says,
This post covers an important change in policy that will soon become effective regarding patches issued for all Order of the Arrow lodges chartered by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).   Please read the whole post carefully.
It was only a year ago when John’s reporting shocked the collecting world with his New National Policy on Lodge Names.
What are John’s sources? Who is the “Deep Throat” that allows him to break these stoories before anyone else is aware of them?
Inquiring minds want to know.
- Maturity is only a short break in adolescence.
My sources also tell me that the OA is close to finalizing an agreement allowing OA lodges to be chartered to GSUSA councils.