George Jennings sends along word of 4 new two-piece sets issued by Nacha Nimat Lodge #86 for the 2009 NOAC. Here is the third of the four sets designated the S34 X17
As in the previous NOAC’s, Nacha Nimat has created “Sponsor” Flaps to help defray the cost of NOAC. George reports that there were 120 of the Gold Mylar bordered sets made.
Blue Book style stats:
S34 GMY R M/C RED WHT FDL; WHT NOAC 2009, 86 RED WWW, YEL Sponsor w/X17 – Fundraiser
X17 GMY R M/C – – FDL; YEL NOAC 2009, BLK WWW, DBL Sponsor RED Indiana University w/S34 – Fundraiser
[phpbay][phpbay]Nacha Nimat Lodge, 5[/phpbay]
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