The 1992 Section NE-7A Conclave was held at Camp Gorton and hosted by Tkaen DoD Lodge #186.
There are two issue known from this event, a pin:

and a pocket patch:

According to the OA Section List (and the conclave patch) the following lodges were in NE-7A at this time.
TKäen DoD Lodge #186
Ty-Ohni Lodge #95
Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee Lodge #159
Tahgajute Lodge #247
Amo’chk Lodge #339
Seneca Lodge #394
Tuighaunock Lodge #409
Ganeodiyo Lodge #417
Thanks to Matt Crance for the scans and Andrew Kosmowski for the trade!
- I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
This was my first conclave. I also believe it was Tkaen Dod 186’s only conclave.