The first post on the New York OA Trader was made on January 26, 2004 with this mission statement.
The purpose of this blog is to publish information about new Lodge and Chapter issues from New York State OA Lodges, the discovery of older uncatalogued issues, warnings about fakes, spoof, and reproductions and other information/musings that may be of interest to other NY OA Collectors (or at least amusing to me).
Five years and over 1325 posts later, a community of traders, readers, commentors and friends have grown along with the blog. Hopefully this will continue for many years to come.
- It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them!
Happy Birthday! is a great resource!
Keep up the good work.
Dan sent a birthday notice out. Congratulations! Way to stay strong.
Thanks for the work you do. Rarely a day goes by when I do not spend 30 seconds checking for new posts on your blog. I especially appreciate those posts relating to previously undocumented (or unphotographed) vintage pieces.
My best-