I don’t have a single item from the 1981 Section NE-2C Conclave. This conclave was hosted by Amo’chk Lodge #339 and was held at Camp Sam Wood.
David Yest, was kind enough to share a scan of the conclave patch, which was one of three items issued for the event.
According to Mike Hulsizer there was also two neckerchiefs issued for the event. A participant and a staff neckerchief; I need scans of both and trades for all of these items.
Update April 10, 2010:
I was able to get the regular issue neckerchief for the event.
The OA Section List shows the following Lodges in Section NE-2C at this time:
Ty-Ohni Lodge #95
Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee Lodge #159
Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge #165
Amo’chk Lodge #339
Tuighaunock Lodge #409
Ganeodiyo Lodge #417
“The state is the great fiction by which everybody seeks to live at the expense of everybody else.” —Frederic Bastiat
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