Posted on Wednesday, November 19th, 2008 in Miscellaneous – Comments: (4)
So what do you think?Should I use smaller words? Or,,,,,,Speak,,,,,Very,,,,,Slowly.——————-“I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would affront your intelligence.” —William F. Buckley Jr.
Posted on Tuesday, November 18th, 2008 in Loon #364 – Comments: (2)
Well it is not strictly a new issue as it is from 2006 but I recently received the file from John Pannell and he has it on his OA Images site. This patch was issued as a final set from Loon Lodge to its members who were registered in the final year of existence. Reportedly,They were restricted to lodge members prior to the merger with Twin Rivers Council.
Posted on Friday, November 21st, 2008 in Shu Shu Gah #24 – Comments: (1)
It’s here, tomorrow morning is the 13th Annual Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Trade-O-Ree. Once again it is being held in Camp Alpine, Alpine, NJ. Set up is underway as this is posted.We have sold out our 40 tables so there is a good chance you can find something you need.Hope to see many of you there.Here is a copy of the 2008 TOR flyer.
Posted on Thursday, November 20th, 2008 in Ty-Ohni #95 – Comments: (1)
A number of rarely seen neckerchiefs from Ty-Ohni Lodge #95 have recently surfaced, NOAC and Executive Committee Neckerchiefs which have led to new discoveries and the chance to clear up some confusion.I’m going to propose several changes to current descriptions to more clearly and accurately identify the various neckerchiefs and use a common naming convention for these issues.The Naming convention I plan to use, is currently in place for the Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee #159 N2 which uses the phrase Lodge Executive Committee Position.
Vampires are the new ‘in’ thing between HBO’s “True Blood” and the upcoming movie Twilight (from the books by Stephenie Meyer) they are everywhere. What do you need to protect yourself?Interested in an authentic vampire killing kit?Circa 1800 Vampire Killing KitA complete and authentic vampire killing kit — made around 1800 and complete with stakes, mirrors, a gun with silver bullets, crosses, a Bible, holy water, candles and even garlic, all housed in a American walnut case with a carved cross on top — attained $14,850 in the Jimmy Pippen estate sale by Stevens October 3–4 in the new Natchez Convention Center.
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