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Here is another Top 10 List, this time of Irritating Phrases, form the Telegraph, a UK Paper. It seems to have struck a chord, because at this moment in time there are over 1500 comments on the article.
1 – At the end of the day
2 – Fairly unique
3 – I personally
4 – At this moment in time
5 – With all due respect
Click through the link above to read the rest.
I admit to using at this moment in time or a variant in some of my blog posts to imply at the time of writing the post an item may be a need or available for trade but not at some future time when the post may be read.
“If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intent of doing you good, you should run for your life.” —Henry David Thoreau
2 thoughts on “Top 10 Most Irritating Phrases”