The issues from the 1982 Section NE-2A Conclave were a recent acquisition for me. The Conclave was hosted by Sisilija Lodge #19 and held at Camp Boyhaven. The Sisilija totem, the buffalo is a major part of the design.
I’m only aware of two items issued for the conclave, a pocket patch
and a neckerchief:
I’m not aware of any other issues for this event.
According to the OA Section List, the lodges in NE-2A at the time were:
- Sisilija Lodge #19
- Wakpominee Lodge #48
- Nischa Nimat Lodge #181
- Ta-Oun-Ya-Wat-Ha Lodge #268
- Loon Lodge #364
- Onteroraus Lodge #402
- Thay-En-Da-Ne-Gea Lodge #418