The 1984 Section NE-2A Conclave was hosted by Ta-Oun-Ya-Wat-Ha Lodge #268 and held at their Council Camp, Camp Saratoga. As was typical for NE-2A at that time, there were two issue for the event, a pocket patch,

and a two neckerchiefs, one for participants.

Update June 2011 and one for Staff
The Lodges in Section NE-2A according to the OA Section List included:
- Sisilija Lodge #19
- Wakpominee Lodge #48
- Nischa Nimat Lodge #181
- Ta-Oun-Ya-Wat-Ha Lodge #268
- Loon Lodge #364
- Onteroraus Lodge #402
- Thay-En-Da-Ne-Gea Lodge #418
Were there any other issues for this event?
Thanks to Tom Wadnola for the images.
- Somebody has to do something, and it’s just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us.
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