Brett Estrade posted about his new website on Patch-L last week. While taking the opportunity to check it out, I came across an item from Otahnagon Lodge, which while listed in the Blue Book, does not have an image on OA Images.
The patch is the Otahnagon Lodge #172 Elangomat round issued circa 1999.
The Blue Book description for this issue is:
R1 SMY R LBL BLK Red WWW BLK Elangomat
Check out
[phpbay]Otahnagon Lodge,10[/phpbay]
- Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia.
I see you’ve found my patch on I also have the lodge newsletter from 1999 that introduces the patch and outlines the requirements if you’re interested in that information. The newsletter clearly states that this patch could never be purchased and members will only ever get one, even if they complete the requirements again.