The 1964 Area 2-G conclave was hosted by Manatoanna Lodge #461 and held at Camp Portaferry. I’m aware of two issues, first up is the pocket patch.
and also a neckerchief.
Update: January 2010 – Neale Cummings provides an image of the neckerchief issued for the event.
Thanks to Tom Wadnola and Neale Cummings for the images.
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- An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup.
Correction from Neale Cummings:
The 1964 Area II-G was held in Camp Vigor of the woods Parishville NY.
Lodges attending were 34, 247, 294, 357, 410, 461, 465, 500, 516 Items issued were a Neckerchief, Patch & Slide The Area Chief was Joseph Lawrence.