Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Thirteenth Annual TOR
Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 will be hosting its 13th Annual Trade-O-Ree this November 22, 2008 at Camp Alpine.   We have sold out our tables for the last three years, due to new space constraints in Orbach Arena from the climbing wall, we will be limiting table sales to 40 in 2008. This is 5 less tables than in previous years few years.
Here are the particulars.
Where: Gary Laermer Pavilion at Orbach Arena, Camp Alpine, Alpine, NJ
When: Saturday November 22, 2008
Time: 9:00AM to 3:00PM (dealer setup begins at 8:30AM)
Admission: Free to All – A unique day trip for your troop or pack
Tables: $20.00 for the first table, $15 for each additional table. All tables $25.00 after October 15, 2008
Table Reservations on a first come first served basis.
Location: Gary Laermer Activity Center at Orbach Arena, Alpine Scout Camp – Alpine, NJ (exit 3 on the Palisades Parkway).
Hope to see you there. For a flyer, see the TOR link in the top menu bar.