Another scan from George Jennings, this one from the 1995 NE-2A Section Conclave.
The Host Lodge is Skanondo Lodge #64, and it was held at Camp Ranachqua part of the Ten Mile River Scout Camps.
The lodges which were part of NE-2A at the time were #’s 15 , 28, 64, 313, 369, 427, 443, 444, and 553.
There was also a Jacket Patch of the same design.
Update October 2011 Here is an image of the Jacket Patch.

Currently a need of mine if anyone has one for trade or sale.
[auction-affiliate tool=”lister”]
- He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met.
Legend confirmed!
In the 16 years since this event, I had only heard “rumors” of the 1995 NE2A jacket patch. I had never seen one, knew no other collector who had one, nor even a picture of it. Now I can finally confirm it does exist, and will send you a scan for your blog/website.
In wWw,
I was at this conclave with 443 and I remember the jacket patch being sold but it also being quite expensive. I was in the prime of my being a youth with a job and no bills and I even passed on buying it as I felt it just cost too much.