Going for the trifecta, here is the third Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 event issue, posted in the last three days. This one was used at the 2007 Shu Shu Gah Lodge Trade-O-Ree held in Camp Alpine on November 17, 2007. These patches were thank you’s, to those who donated to the Lodge Auction. Proceeds from the auction, are used to finance the lodge’s contribution to the Reeve’s Capital Campaign.
Blue Book Stats:
eX2007-4 RED C M/C BLK BLK 2007 BLK T-O-R BLK and ORG Hanging Feathers, TR (undated).
I still have a small number of these available for donations to the 2008 Lodge Auction.
[auction-affiliate tool=”lister”]
- If you haven’t found something strange during the day, it hasn’t been much of a day.