Section NE-3 1988 Indian Seminar

Question Mark?Roy Whetherbee asked a question on Patch-L last week.

I have a few mystery patched that I’m hoping someone out there may be able to identify… 1987 Indian Seminar WWW. There was a National Indian Seminar held that year – perhaps this was a contingent piece? Would anybody know which lodge or chapter?

As it happens, I do know at least some of the history on that patch.

Here is the story as I know it.
Northeast Region Indian Seminar Back in 1987 there was an NE Region Indian Seminar (the real issue is pictured on the right).

Someone (lodge, individual, section officer?) ordered the patches pictured below on speculation for the event. They were not used.

In 1988, Section NE3 held and Indian Seminar at Camp Alpine and used these patches. There were two, a yellow border and a red border. One was for staff the other for participants.
I was on staff for the event (taught a couple of sessions on the Ordeal Ceremony I think) and have both the yellow and the red borders.
Since you have a single red one, I’m guessing the yellow was staff. My faulty memory can not remember for sure which was which.

Section NE-3 1988 Indian Seminar

Does anyone know which was the staff issue? Or supply any additional information on the patches and the event.

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Author: nyoatrader
To share information about new or newly discovered Order of the Arrows patches, flaps, odd-shapes, neckerchiefs, event and chapter issues from New York State Order of the Arrow Lodges, warnings about fakes, spoof, and reproductions and any other information that may be of interest to New York State OA Collectors.

1 thought on “Section NE-3 1988 Indian Seminar

  1. To clarify: the 1987 NE Region event was not an “Indian” seminar. It was a region-wide National Leadership Seminar weekend on the Rutgers campus, with a couple of extra events (including, I recall, a show) that made it sort of like a mini-NOAC. But there were no Native-American-related activities at all.

    On that front, the big event in 1987 was the National Pow-Wow out in Powell Wyoming. Activities there were split into three tracks: Indian Affairs, Ceremonies, and (I believe) Shows.

    1987 was the first year that the OA really started having National events in the years between NOACs, and was the second year of the last National Chief to serve a two-year term.

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