Manatoanna Lodge #461 F4

Another image contributed by Ray Gould, this time a tough issue from a small merged lodge from Ray’s section. In his words:

Well…I finally added this piece to my collection! I’ve long believed it to be a threadbreak since I found a threadbreak example in SB’s collection (in S’s collection, he has an example where one wing has emroidered details and the other has twill details). Holding this (my issue…where both wings have twill details) issue side-by-side with the F-03 in my collection, they are 100% identical (stitch placement, alignment, border finishing, twill style, etc.) except for the wing details. It remains my belief that the F-04 is a stitchbreak example of the F-03 (it is certainly very possible since black embroidery on black twill threadbreak would likely go un-noticed by the manufacturer…..and lodge members).

The F4 is still my only flap need from 461, (I do still need the N1a and N2) and I can’t say I’ve ever even seen another. The F3 is the same design with black embroidered in the wing tips.

Anyone esle have an F4 in their collection?
Here are the scans from Ray,

Manatoanna Lodge #461 F4

including a close-up of one of the twill wingtips.

Manatoanna Lodge #461 F4 Detail

Author: nyoatrader
To share information about new or newly discovered Order of the Arrows patches, flaps, odd-shapes, neckerchiefs, event and chapter issues from New York State Order of the Arrow Lodges, warnings about fakes, spoof, and reproductions and any other information that may be of interest to New York State OA Collectors.

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