Adirondack Lodge #357 Medallion

Ray Gould brings an interesting find from Lodge 357 part of … “a large grouping of Adirondack Lodge 357 (and Camp Portaferry, World Brotherhood) items from a former #357 Lodge Chief and Area II-G Chief (and DSA recipient).  In his collection of items, there were 2 of the medallions I have shared in the attachment (the one shown was never coated with polyeurethane…presumably because it split upon trying to put the screw fastener into it).  His recollection is that there were a number of these made (this memory was supported by another former #357 chief…both recall cutting the wood diagonally and fastening the homemade decals in place).  They were for lodge member wear and worn hanging from the Scout shirt pocket button.  I am not sure what the designation (or further documentation might be needed) might be for such an item but am guessing it would be similar to any other (metal, leather, etc.) item made official by the lodge for uniform wear.

Adirondack Lodge #357 Medallion

Saw how would you list it? Comments and opinions welcome.

Author: nyoatrader
To share information about new or newly discovered Order of the Arrows patches, flaps, odd-shapes, neckerchiefs, event and chapter issues from New York State Order of the Arrow Lodges, warnings about fakes, spoof, and reproductions and any other information that may be of interest to New York State OA Collectors.

1 thought on “Adirondack Lodge #357 Medallion

  1. Hi Bill-
    Thanks for the follow-up. I have spoken with another former member (and current memeber of the collecting community). His recollection is that they were not for members only but says they were taken to some sort of event and either given away or traded as friendship/fellowship tokens. I will try to get some further clarity. UPDATE…….I just spoke with the original owner and received more clarity. His memory was very sharp about this: this is the official low-down…

    -the medallions were taken to the 1967 NOAC with the purpose of giving them as friendship tokens (he also mentioned that the #357 L-01 was used for the same purpose….you know, the sticker on the piece of vinyl that reads “52 Anniversary, BSA”)
    -he mentioned that the Lodge Advisor, at that time, worked at Black Clawson (part of the paper industry which was so prevalent in the past her in northern NY) and had the paper decals made at work…..and cut the pieces of wood
    -the owner remembers meeting at the advisor’s home and working at affixing the decals to the wood, shellacing them, and placing the screw-eye with leather loop on them…along with other lodge members
    -they were official from the lodge, but not restricted to lodge members only (much like a trading flap would have been…I guess)

    that’s the scoop!

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