Rob Cunningham brings word of a new OBV set from Lodge #95, there first ever. Design credit goes to Frank McLain.
Blue Book stats:
S38 RMY R M/C M/C BLK FDL; Red outlined Blk Lodge Name, 95 WWW RED Ordeal Arrow
S39 SMY R M/C M/C BLK FDL; Red outlined Blk Lodge Name, 95 WWW RED Brotherhood Arrow
S40 GMY R M/C M/C BLK FDL; Red outlined Blk Lodge Name, 95 WWW RED Vigil Arrow
There are a couple error versions of the ordeal and brotherhood flaps where the wrong border color was used for the corresponding arrow. I have three of these on hand, but a couple others may have “escaped”.
I’d be interested in a scan or description of any of the error versions you may have or be aware of.