Ktemaque Lodge #15 has issued a trader flap and three 2-piece sets for the 2006 NOAC. There are a trader, a fundraiser and a contingent set. However awrinkle was added.
Ktemaque has created 25 sets of the 7 patches listed above. Each of the 7 patches has a number embroidered in White on each patch (1 to 25).
They will separately issue the patches without the embroidered numbers.
The Blue Book conventions, call these otherwise identical patches separate issues, so the 7 embroider patches and the 7 ‘unembroidered’ patches become 7 more.
On the image below of the contingent set, you can see a white #24 has been embroidered on both the flap and on the chevron. The same SMY set will be issued without the embroidered numbers.
Blue Books Stats for the 14 items:
S29 BLK R M/C BLK M/C BLU FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2006 Trader WHT Cert number embroidered into Patch
S30 BLK R M/C BLK M/C BLU FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2006 Trader
S31 GMY R M/C BLK M/C BLU FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2006 w/X6 Trader WHT Cert number embroidered into Patch
X6 GMY R M/C BLK M/C GRN FDL outlined BLK; BLK 15 WWW, NOAC 2006 w/S31 Trader Cert number embroidered into Patch
S32 GMY R M/C BLK M/C BLU FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2006 w/X7 Trader
X7 GMY R M/C BLK M/C GRN FDL outlined BLK; BLK 15 WWW, NOAC 2006 w/S32 Trader
S33 RMY R M/C BLK M/C BLU FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2006 w/X8 Fundraiser WHT Cert number embroidered into Patch
X8 RMY R M/C BLK M/C GRN FDL outlined BLK; BLK 15 WWW, NOAC 2006 w/S33 Fundraiser Cert number embroidered into Patch
S34 RMY R M/C BLK M/C BLU FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2006 w/X9 Fundraiser
X9 RMY R M/C BLK M/C GRN FDL outlined BLK; BLK 15 WWW, NOAC 2006 w/S34 Fundraiser
S35 SMY R M/C BLK M/C BLU FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2006 w/X10 Contingent WHT Cert number embroidered into Patch
X10 SMY R M/C BLK M/C GRN FDL outlined BLK; BLK 15 WWW, NOAC 2006 w/S35 Contingent Cert number embroidered into Patch
S36 SMY R M/C BLK M/C BLU FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2006 w/X11 Contingent
X11 SMY R M/C BLK M/C GRN FDL outlined BLK; BLK 15 WWW, NOAC 2006 w/S36 Contingent
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